
A day at Flat Cap

Have you heard about Third Places? – Flat Cap is one of the few places in Helsingborg where you can just drop by without any particular agenda. It’s a cozy spot where people come together to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

Our video captures the essence of a day at Flat Cap, showcasing the vibrant atmosphere, delicious food, and genuine connections that make this bar special. Shot in a documentary style, we highlighted the cozy, dimly lit ambiance of the old barn.

Following the completion of this project, we recognized that despite it being one of the better projects we had done, it left a little to be desired in terms of storytelling and clarity of purpose. This realization prompted us to pivot our approach, focusing exclusively on films with a clear and compelling motive.

Whether you’re seeking a quiet corner to read a book, eat good food, or play a game of pool with friends, Flat Cap provides the perfect setting.